Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Part time worker

Was really happy this morning, came into office and got an email from the director to meet him at 2pm for the overseas voluntary project! :)It was a short but good meeting, he was supportive of the idea, and said that several other heads in the company also felt we shd do more community service! He said with their support, getting money shdn't be a problem, as well as getting leave for the staff. Yup, so I emailed Habitat for Humanity, on their projects...might be going thailand to build houses. Not sure yet!

Other then that, tonight Anil will be arriving! He is a social entrepreneur from Ashoka, and yup, a really nice and straightforward man. He will be here tmr at NUS Biz Sch for a talk, so will be taking half day to bring him out for tea/coffee at Orchard.

These things keep me going. Kinda like my fuel. heh. Pseudo worker, full time community service!

Boss is giving me stuff to be in charged of in the office, so that's in a way good as well, can grow and learn new things. Waiting season, shall be moulded, finish the overseas project first, and I know that He will teach me new things. =>
There are so many different needs to be met, important to be obedient to God. I guess for me, the hurting and outcasts has always been on my mind. Pray for opportunities, and yup, God, speak to me.

This week Covenant's message was on not letting ple judge u by the external. And Pastor said that it was about "being", not about "doing". I think that's so right. Always struggle with lots of doing, thats why when I am not doing anything, I feel so lost. But doing...shd proceed naturally out of our right r.s with God. Am glad that things have somehow stabilised a bit. And slowly He will reveal His plans for my life. :)

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