Sunday, July 30, 2006


I went to be prayed for today! And when I was waiting for my turn, I felt the Holy Spirit impress upon my heart that God had a future for my life, and that He was gonna free me from every bondage of the devil. And when I got prayed for, at first it was just crying, and then later I just let go. And when I did, from deep within, there was a shrill scream that came out. And I screamed for a few times. The voice was like not my own, and I know I received inner healing. But really glad for the deliverance, and I feel cleansed. Yup, God came to heal me so that I can live my life afresh, anew, and to know that He has a future for my life. :)
Thank You for Your blood Lord, and I thank You for forgiving me. Most of all, I forgive myself for all the things I've done wrong, and I know U have cleansed me by Your blood of righteousness.

Feeling very ill now though. Dizzy and fever, also feel weak in the legs. Feel like vomiting and have diarrhoa. Please pray for me. Think I wasn't feeling well since this morning. Prob my physical body also wants healing!

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