Friday, August 28, 2009

Birthday Wishes

My Birthday came and went...some people say that as they get older, bdays seem to mean less, i.e. its just another day. Maybe I haven't grown that old yet, I still think that birthdays are special!
But I really did catch on something this year. I had meals with some of my closest friends separately. These were very blessed times. I realise, it is not about the number of friends you have, what matters is having a few friends who believe in you.
It has been tremendously encouraging reading cards from these few, and sms texts. They really make me feel like I'm worth a million dollars, and that I'm the nicest friend on earth.

I spent my birthday with all the people who meant loads to me. What was most meaningful was sitting at the East Coast Beach for an hour, on a date with God. =) Listening to the waves, praying, and singing to Him...and Him singing over me. ;)
I'm incredibly grateful to the few friends who mean a lot to me. U all know who u are. And yes, for my family.

Surprised that my volunteer bought me a cake during a meeting this week. Its been nice having co-laborers to serve God together with. And her husband, a Pastor, prayed for me from Psalms 1- that I would Fear Not, and be fruitful in Him. Amen and amen.

Believe that this is a new season whereby God is birthing new things in me, in the ministry etc. I need to have faith to believe in Him, to know who God really is.

Oh and finally, my birthday wish is World Peace.
And more...shh..
its a secret. ;)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Final Destination- A sudden thought

I used to think that every experience was a preparation towards something bigger I would be doing in the future. Now that I don't know what is ahead in the future, and I realise that I can do no big thing.
I think that maybe, life is never about reaching a destination. It is a process of doing small things daily, and each day being a destination in itself.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

To laugh and play and love life

"You are too serious".
Seriously, I was talking to a friend who is running an NGO in Thailand this afternoon, and this is what he commented after we talked for a while!
I was shocked. But his comment hit the nail on the spot. My seriousness, or rather my intensity or rather my sense of responsibility, or rather my perfectionism kills me big time! I won't be able to survive in NGO world if I keep up this seriousness. I need to play hard, laugh a lot and have fun!

Yesterday I went back to have dinner with my ex colleagues. And I was early cos I attended a workshop before that. So I decided to reminisce old times by sitting down at Starbucks with a book and tea. I wrote this:

"Dear God,

I can't believe it but I actually felt nervous stepping into Capital Tower again. And I actually felt relieved seeing "normal" people in "civilised" settings. I missed that smell. I felt different from the crowd. Yet once where I belonged. What could be running through the heads of each one as they took the escalator down and headed home? Can they tell I am different? Though I am probably dressed like a typical executive, what's going on in my mind? What kind of different perspectives do I bring? What kind of different experiences?...

It dawned on me, it was not so much the form in which we present ourselves. It is the life and the substance within the form. To be rested in a fast paced executive environment. To be rested in a uncertain stressful NGO job. To find meaning, to find You, Jesus. In the midst of everything, to dwell in You."

Sometimes in my intensed moments, I can't see beyond the cloud around my head. I need to lift up my eyes and see Jesus. And actually maybe...this seems to be a characteristic of many people who hold multiple responsibilities!!!

I just need to learn to laugh at myself.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Small breakthroughs

I gave a training at work today for 1 hr to about 40 new volunteers and really it was a breakthrough for me, cos I don't think I ever talked that long! I tried to inject some stories inside including personal ones, as well as interesting videos. Some told me it was info overload, esp cos my session was after lunch. But there were a few who expressed interest in helping with overseas extension! yay! :)

Thankful, because I had been feeling stressed abt doing this presentation cum training. :P This morning on the bus I recalled when I did my first presentation in NUS, I was so nervous that I trembled. It was after that I realised I placed high expectations on myself.

This week have been toggling with this idea...does what I do make a difference to the world? And a friend reminded me of making differences in small ways. Thankful. But ya, it has been a struggle sometimes, to put things in perspective, and to accept that no matter how imperfect I am, God loves me.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

My current lifestage....

I had a meeting last night until 930pm. So I am super tired this morning as I only slept at 130am after eating my dinner, practicing my guitar and reading and praying. Technically I can get time off this morning, but I came in on time (just 5 min late), trying to be a heroine to rush out all my work!

Yesterday's night meeting was on a training trip to Indonesia that 3 of my volunteers will be embarking on. My heart is probably going to fly partially with them, because I was almost supposed to go on the trip. But in the end, I submitted to the decision of the leadership, and also feel that another volunteer should go and be exposed since I have been going on so many trips already. Another one of life's mini-surrenders. I really miss the people at Malang though..the bible school students, the cool atmosphere, and yeah...away fr the hussle and bussle.

But it struck me that now, I have changed roles.....I am becoming more and more like a mobilizer. I don't just go, I encourage others to go, and now we are planning mission trip training for leaders etc to equip them. Likewise in my role at church with the youths. It is interesting! Because it also takes a certain surrender, in that it always feels more fun and inspiring to be there on the ground. Who wants to do the admin details and sit in the office! grr..eek eek. But yet much needed processes and systems need to be set in place, so that anyone who takes over can carry on from there. I am glad at least some procedures are up!

And then even as I got home, and I thought about what we had discussed on training, i.e. what women there need. I realise that each one of us bring ourselves and our experiences overseas, and as I was thinking abt what expertise I can offer - not in education or nutrition or healthy living. And then I recalled, O yes, I have spent 4 years studying Business & Finance, including management, marketing etc. Business is a general degree to many, but I think whatever I have learnt is useful in life. Suddenly I thought of CAPM model, and risk free rates and statistics and significance and maslow and purchasing power parity...surely all these knowledge should not go to waste? I should impart or apply them in some way. And you know, I actually NEVER regretted taking Business. If I had to choose all over again, I can recall as clear as the blue sky why I did not choose social work or psychology. I like business....And getting to know about Social Entrepreneurship was just an instant wow! Marrying social needs and business.

And so....I'm starting to have clarity on issues, and I am thankful. =)

Monday, August 03, 2009

I like to be normal

Just came back from wedding dinner of a good friend from Bizad, and was on a table of people who I hardly knew. But I enjoyed good conversation with a Bizad senior who happened to work in the non profit sector for 2 years too! I miss my bizadder friends and hanging ard with my peers...

On Saturday, I enjoyed good conversations with my friends from GIC too. All the ex colleagues who are around my age!! I miss the fun blanter and laughter!

I don't really miss the job. But I guess, I miss being in a place of comfort, i.e. hanging out with people sharing similar culture, background and life stage. I miss being in a "normal" place. And being in normal places reminds me of how conventional I really am. And maybe, it makes me think of who I really am created to be, what makes me tick, what makes me happy and satisfied. At the end of the day, it is not abt suffering for suffering sake. It is about being at the right place at the right time where God calls me to be. And who knows 9 months from now, it may still be in the non profit, or it could jolly well be in the mkt place. I miss the mkt place and the people there. ;p

These angsty feelings on the inside are strangely gone....I feel that my heart is in a more rested place.. Attended a YWAM training for mission trip leaders on sat too, and Jo Chean as inspiring as ever...he said we are not God, but we should ask God where our role is, in fulfilling God's dream for Asia- i.e. the knowledge of the glory of God will cover the earth.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Lost and Found

I was at the Bedok Reservoir last night.
Standing under the dark blue sky, whilst the ripples of water glistened under the bright half moon. It was beautiful.

It was where it started and where it ended its final note.

Good bye, my Love.

It was beautiful while it lasted. And the Beautiful memories are etched in my mind.


Listening to this song in the morning. And thought of the man who found the pearl in the bible and sold all he had, because he found it. He found the Kingdom of God.
I've been searching...trying to find...that elusive something to satisfy me.

God found me, and brought me back to Himself. I thought of the God who would search for the one lost sheep...the one missing coin...

Last night I lost something, but this morning I felt joyful amidst the sorrow. Because somehow...I found Jesus. Or rather,
Jesus found me.

Sun Ho- Eternal Blossom
我怕 我失去我自己

想哭 找不到理由哭

到底 谁来救赎这封闭的世界
救我 脱离一切

终于我 找到了你
我的心 像被你紧紧拥抱的小孩
你就是爱 永远不会更改