Saturday, August 15, 2009

Small breakthroughs

I gave a training at work today for 1 hr to about 40 new volunteers and really it was a breakthrough for me, cos I don't think I ever talked that long! I tried to inject some stories inside including personal ones, as well as interesting videos. Some told me it was info overload, esp cos my session was after lunch. But there were a few who expressed interest in helping with overseas extension! yay! :)

Thankful, because I had been feeling stressed abt doing this presentation cum training. :P This morning on the bus I recalled when I did my first presentation in NUS, I was so nervous that I trembled. It was after that I realised I placed high expectations on myself.

This week have been toggling with this idea...does what I do make a difference to the world? And a friend reminded me of making differences in small ways. Thankful. But ya, it has been a struggle sometimes, to put things in perspective, and to accept that no matter how imperfect I am, God loves me.


LittleStar007 said...

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." ~ Aesop

Hi XJ,

Recommend that you listen to the song "5 Loaves & 2 Fishes" by Corrine May.


Lois said...

hey LH how have u been?
yeah i like that song a lot! =)