Monday, July 03, 2006

Overseas community trip!

Yeah! Today we had our first recreation club meeting and I asked the committee whether we could subsidize/support for some overseas voluntary trips. And the replies were pretty positive. The chair is going to ask the GMD on friday! :) Yup! Then we are also pushing for a Green Day to create awareness of environmental issues-how the styrofoam cups and huge stacks of wasteful papers are killing the earth. So we will prob also organize talks and post articles on that. Yups yups. Hopefully lots and lots of articles on poverty as well. Do u know if you see inequality and injustice and u keep quiet about it, you are also aiding the murder passively? Hence we must all be advocates of social justice! Please do make a difference in your community in terms of yr lifestyle (let your choices speak), and educate others to make wise choices as well!

I found this quote pretty interesting, tho it might be a little extreme:
"Preach the gospel all the time; if necessary use words." -Francis of Assisi
How would they know if we don't share right? So not to go to the extreme of not preaching at all. But I think our actions are very very impt. As christians...I think that matters a great deal. And let you light so shine, that when they see yr good works, they shall glorify Your Father in heaven. And I totally feel helpless at times with my lack of eloquence and confidence to persuade. But I think people can see it through yr actions, and it is a passion that comes out from within. That speaks a lot. Moses was not eloquent, but God still used him mightily.

So once again...may I advocate...a simple lifestyle, and a lifestyle of GIVING and love. Often ple say that they don't have that kind of burden for the poor, hurting etc. But smtimes it is not abt the burden, but it is obedience. It is an act of obedience to God to care and love the ple around us.

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