Monday, July 31, 2006

Blessings in disguise

Am glad in a way for the MC today, so I can stay at home, and slept a lot. Also did some reading, and sorted out my tutorial notes for counseling psych. Reminds me of how much I miss my days of schooling! Working sometimes makes one cranky and tired.

Was looking at some blogs just now, and visited a few friends' blogs. People who are my age. Couldn't help but notice the tinge of jadedness and bitterness beneath the posts. And as we grow up, we truly realise that the world is not as perfect as we thought it out to be. And at my age -ple who just got into the workforce, these overwhelming feelings are magnified with the processes of job search, interaction with people way above yr age (when u were in school, u thot that all the teachers were so old and u will never get there. But now yr colleagues are 20 years older than u).

We form a new world view of how we shd relate to people, and what you -as a person stands for. What are some things u wanna do in the future? What kind of visions and goals do u have? And sometimes trip over an event that happens in our life, and our worldview is forever changed. The quarter life crisis can make or break us. That is when we decide what we want for the rest of our adulthood- the route of positivity, or towards the never-ending pit of bitterness.

Ofcourse, people don't just have one chance in their lives. They have a few turning pts and a few crisis. But each decision that we make affects our future. People we let in and let out of our lives affect our worldview. Yet it all can be a blessing in disguise. As crisis help us to know ourselves better.

For me ofcos, I never knew weakness could happen to me. "Those" were the people who were hurt. My role was to be their counselor. Always thot I had my life well planned, in control and all that. Even when I made the statements of strength in weakness, "weakness", I never knew amounted to this much pain. But now truly going thru the valley, I begin to understand how ple who are hurting feel. They just need someone to believe in them, walk alongside them. And sometimes, time with them, not counseling, but just being with them, can bring tremendous healing and acceptance.

It was all a blessing in disguise. I believe that, God brought me thru the valley, and that this valley has taught me so many things about myself, and how to relate to people. If u have never been hurt before, how do u know someone who hurts feel? If u have never been open to yrself about yr emotions-how bad u feel, how do u get someone else to open up? These are really lessons that are impt to me. To open up to others and to love others from my heart.

And I shall take the path of positivity. I know that there will be days of discouragement and anger. Life is NOT a bed of roses. But may I encourage my dear readers that, there is hope yet. :) There will always be.
As long as the earth remains, seed time and harvest will never cease. As long as the earth remains, God remains sovereign in our lives. And He will never let us go, if we choose to hold on to Him.

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