Sunday, February 06, 2005

God loves everyone

Some people ask, if God is so loving, why do people have to accept Him into their hearts? Christianity seems like such an exclusive religion.

A recent incident helped me to understand.

A sister said some very nasty things to me, that hurt me. But I still love her and wish the best for her. Today I sms her and said "Can we talk?" She replied, "Talk about what?"

How many times did God "sms" you, can we talk? And how many times did we reply "Talk about what?" In spite of God's care for us, He cannot reach into u. Like a porcupine, you have built pricks around u, u say..DUN touch me pls. Talk abt wat, I am not interested.

Does God hurt? I bet He does. But in spite of that, God continues to "sms" you, can we talk...can we can we...
Wats ur reply?


Anonymous said...

thank u.



Lois said...

Keke..thank kew. :) Hugs. He loves u too!