Thursday, February 10, 2005

Create in me a new heart

Dear God,

Place in me a new heart, and fill up the void.
Because nothing else can fill it up. The emptiness, the lostness and the loneliness.
Help me to see wat u see
To love wat u love
To care for wat u care
To love the way you love
To be strong the way tat u make the weak strong
To have true rest
To have the faith tat comes fr knowing You.

Help me Father.


Spent a restful day today. Did a bit of thesis. Then had ple who came to visit. Watched Jeff Chang concert and Mulan on Tv. Yay...
Ate lotsa chocolates, drank some beer (hehe! half a can only)


Nick Xidis said...

Hi Lois,

You have a link to Brief Intro to Social Entrepreneurship that points to our company's website ( I believe that this link maybe an error, thought you'd like to know.


Nick X.

Lois said...

Hi nick
thanks for pointing it out.
I think the original website has changed address. I've removed your company link from my blog.

God bless,