Friday, September 22, 2006

How many people can u help?

In response to Sydter's comments (thanks bro for yr comments) and to my conversation with a good fren tonight, decided to write this post. ;)

Just how many people can u help by going to the third world? If u are someone influential, you can help more people!

Honestly I used to subscribe to that belief, and my role model used to be Claire Chiang of Banyan Tree. She runs a hotel chain, and yet she engaged the poor villagers by taking their products/crafts to sell in the Banyan Tree retails. She also opened orphanages and sowed in money to improve the irrigation system of the rural places!

Had dinner with a good fren just now, and he said the same thing. He wanted to own a multi million business and then he can be a "pastor" over his 1000 over staff and also use the money to help the poor.

Why not? What's wrong? Then it begets the question whether it is about the process or about the outcome. Outcome= money? Process=?

I'm still trying to come to grasp a bit of those things up there. So don't mind me.

World Vision and the OHF also believe in education. In fact, World Vision links up sponsors with children- cos they believe that children hold the keys to the future. They also do projects in the villages like helping with irrigation systems- essential for agriculture in places with droughts like Africa; get sponsors to purchase bulls-useful also for agriculture.

If everyone were to just be giving money, who is going to do the ground work? Of being there to implement the systems and being with the poor.

As much as "I- want- to- earn- as- much- money- so- I- can- help- the- poor" concept sounds noble, beneath it is also a question of would u be willing to give up yr comfy lifestyle and be there with the poor?

Social entrepreneurship- another of my dreams- is a concept that empowers & engages the poor rather than gives handouts. It is a sustainable model of using innovative ways to help the poor. So to speak, to teach the poor how to fish rather than giving them the fish.

An example of a social entrepreneur is Bunker Roy. Super inspirational.
He came out of a top university, and his course mates became politicians and lawyers and big shots. But he...
He chose the other route, and draws a salary of $77 a month. He applies solar energy concepts in rural India, and also opened a night school for women to attend (he noticed they had to do hsework/farm the land in the mornings).

This I truly inspirational. To be able to give up one's comfy life and go there and make a difference among the poor.

But then here's the other part, people like him need sponsors & support. And we know where that comes from! Rich people! ;)

So I am still trying to figure out whether I belong to the rich people or the bunker roy category. Which ever it is, the latter or the former...
Impt to remember, as a rich person in the corporate sector, to live a lifestyle that is consistent with yr beliefs...i.e. being simple, and generous. And also, willing to give up everything-i.e. seeing God's call as more impt than the business.

Someone said I tend to be naive, another commented of my child likeness. Am I really?
I know it doesn't hurt to imagine the ideal.
Though it is impt- to manage expectations, and to know the world we live in, is much less than perfect. ;)

Friend asked tonight, "But Xiaojia, u must know there is only one Xiaojia. How many people can u help?" I don't know.

And I feel scared living in this world sometimes. When all around me used to be sheltered, and slowly the walls are breaking down.

Reading my blurty blog reminded me of the old me. Those times I spent counseling people, praying, meeting people's needs. They are really such an enjoyment, yet, also times of stretching & tiredness. But when the worldview came crashing down. I can't spend just forever doing "good" works. At the end of the day, like Jesus said, "No one is good but the Father." Really, how much can we trust our own good works? We tire easily. But God is the one with the big picture and knows all things. It is He then, who holds the key. Not us.

May He guide us in all truth. May this be a good time of rest for me. Amen.

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