Thursday, September 21, 2006


Was really happy today to receive a CCed email from my director cum recclub president. He was asking the directors to grant those of us going on the Habitat trip 5 days leave! And from the thread of emails, could see that he was helping us push for it! Email went all the way to the GMD. Ofcos there's a little pride there that the proposal I wrote could be read by GMD of the company, but more so than that, I'm happy that God opened doors for me to have some kind of influence on company policy- leave for ple to do comm service! :)

I've been thinking about what I want to do for my future. There are a couple of options that I can choose from. Life's decisions are tough. One turn leads to another I guess. And I am just trying to find back myself. Who am I really? And what is God's call for my life?

1) Well firstly I could pursue counseling & psychology, as I always wanted to in JC, but made a turn in my choice of faculty in the university! Was quite a hard choice. Then again I had the vision to preach to business men, so I took business!

Going thru the counseling dip made me realise I am not a wonderful counselor. I've some attributes of a counselor which my fren has kindly and encouragingly pointed out. I am a good listener and I am sincere. :) I love people and have a heart for them. But I know what I am not (or not yet). To have that kind of non-judgemental attitude towards people, to learn to not take things too personally, and to have that kind of grace & kindness toward people.

Anyway, I can be there for people. But I need to equip myself with that kind of skills! Not to take things personally is also impt. As I've learnt from being a cgl, it can be toxic to meditate on people's comments and problems.

2) I could go to bible school! Go to bible school and then become a full time church worker! There are so much things abt the bible I didn't realise until recently when I read different christian authors. I really like mentoring/shepherding people, and seeing them grow in the Lord. :) It is really much more rewarding investing in people than in financial goods.

3) Go with a missions organization to work overseas. E.g. World Vision? or Operation Hope Foundation . There are short stints, and I am sure spending 1 year overseas could change my whole world view. Or I could be there long termed. It will be great being with the people, seeing the poor but simple lives they lead, and also to spend my life fruitfully serving them. I could set up a SE too! And start some business there to help the poor.
Told my friend this and she said, but what's going to happen at night when u are alone? Will u feel lonely? I think she makes some sense. So it will be wonderful to be there with someone I love, and we can serve God together in the place. But if there is no one to go with me? Don't know yet! But I suppose I can make friends with people there. And that is why learning to be independent now is impt, and so is learning to be emotionally strong.

4) Stay in corporate sector and be a Daniel! God has opened doors in GIC. And I think that He will continue to open doors and place me in strategic positions where I can be an influence in the mkt place. Encouraging the people in the mkt place, challenging them to give more, and at the same time do some SEs as a side line. Can also bring healing among the people and tell them there is something more, and a greater purpose for their lives.

5) Further my studies in economics! I've always liked econs since I was in JC, and did pretty well in uni for the one macro econs module. I like econs for the way that it is so macro and big picture. And econs can be used in development as well wrt helping the poor. So I can go into policy work and development.

6) Use my skills in finance to get a job in the non-profit sector! I'm sure NGOs like Ashoka (social entreprenurship) or Oxfam will need finance specialists! I finally realise that I am not gifted in PR /communications, but I can be disciplined and good with numbers. And hopefully this gets me into a launching pad for something more.

As u can see, there are many options I can take. But most of all, our lives are so short! And the very next day God could take it away from us. So really, a man can plan all he wants, but it is God who directs our steps. And I pray that I may walk in synch with His will for my life. ;) And I believe that women shd be helpers of their men, so I will be glad to work around my future partner's vision (which must honour God). It matters that we are willing to give and take in our relationship, respecting each other for our views. There's a really sweet romantic story here.

I've some short termed goals too! I want to get emotional healing and resolve some of my personal issues. And I want to be emotionally strong to do what I want to do. ;) And yup, to learn to be independent at home, to be my own person apart from my parents and slowly my parents can learn to let go. I want to learn to depend and trust God, even when I feel alone. Lastly, to overcome my timidity and to be bold! From now till December, I am looking forward to the trip to Philippines. And may God lead me in all these, as I learn to meditate on the positive.

And lastly, I forgot I had this blurty blog and this aspect of me. I sounded so happy and enthusiastic! Actually I am a wonderful person aren't I? Sigh have I become old and jaded? ;)

1 comment:

Sdyter said...

In response to pt no. 3.

Why choose to do relief work overseas? Are there no poor in Singapore? Or are the poor in Singapore more fortunate than those in other countries?

How many can you help overseas? And for how long? How much can you impact people's lives?

It is a cycle never ending if things do not change. There will forever be miserable poor people as long as there are bad governments and corruption and wars. Do you think that as a relief worker you can do much or you could do more than if u were someone with more power in that country?

I've heard this story on BBC b4 about this relief worker who met this boy in some poor country plagued by wars. And he has been supporting him through school. The boy was smart, but there was not much more he could do in the country. One day the boy begged him to take him to London(the relief worker's home country). But he couldnt.

If you really wanna help people, it would make more sense to get them out of their dirthole and when they are educated then they can return to their country to change their country.

You could help 1, 2, 5, 10 people, 100 even, but there will be no end to people you can help.

Because the root of their problems are beyond your capability. Unless, you have the power, influence, or the money to do so.

In Singapore you would be able to help people effectively. You have the power to mould and shape the future of Singapore. Why strive to be someone at the bottom so that your line of work would have more impact on people directly? When you have the capabilities and power to be someone with more power and influence so as to help more people?