Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I haven't been blogging for a while! Well, so what's up with me? I've been really busy at work these 2-3 weeks, and arrgh, i'm feeling the stress and the heat mounting up on me. Sobs. Have to hand in something tmr to my boss, so I stayed till 830pm in the office. 830pm is late/early relative to different ple ofcos, but to me it was a tad too late, and I feel really sleepy and tired and zonked out. I felt happy that I managed to fix the figures and come up with a formula and some explanations. ;) So that's workaholic me, which I guess is always a part of me. And then another part of me just wondered how come I spent such a long part of my life in the office?
How long more, Lord? Maybe like Jesus when He was 30 years old, then He went into ministry!
These few days when I look at myself in the mirror, I feel really strange. I saw another person, with short black hair, slighly curling at the ends, with wrinkles under her eyelids, and some acne. But then, a warm feeling came all over me, and guess what, I really liked the person I saw in the mirror. ;)

I'm so glad that God has given me a new beginning and a chance to start all over again. I want to know Him all over again and again.

Read Moses afresh yesterday, and I saw something that I never saw before. Remember Moses told the Lord to send someone else because he was not eloquent?
I saw in it Acts 7:21 that Moses was "learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and mighty in words and deeds." Definitely, Moses was not as incapable as he thought that he was. Why would Moses say that?

Maybe, his response about him not being eloquent may not be a physical reality, but really how unworthy he felt on the inside to be God's harbinger of truth. Moses, having killed an Egyptian must have lived in 40 years of shame and anger. Moses must have felt torn when he left his adopted mother in Egypt (he had spent 40 years there). He must have felt disillusioned when he saw his fellow Hebrew brothers being enslaved by the Egyptians. Reality hit him! Maybe words of the Hebrew remained in his mind- "who made u a ruler and a judge over us?"

God must have His plans for saving Moses and living him in Pharaoh's household- for all things meant for evil, He turned it around for good, for His most divine plan.

So what is yr Egypt today? And what haunting words have u allowed the devil to taunt u with? And what past failures have u been unable to let go?

Lord, have mercy on me for I am a sinner!
And yup, u can be assured that He welcomes u with His everlasting open arms. ;)

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