Sunday, May 06, 2007

God meant it for good

I've been feeling this joy for the past 2 days or so..its like bubbles that are bursting forth from within! =) I hope that this joy is not temporal though, and will last for a longer time, cos sometimes joy can be so elusive! So yah, I don't really hope that they are like bubbles, cos these are so fragile.

I'm so happy meeting up with frens recently. It is wonderful connecting with them, and finally starting to understand how to share my life with others! Learning to be open and transparent with my struggles as much as I can, and ofcos to be wise too, to be considerate as to what the other party can bear. But I find almost that as I begin to share, the other party also starts to open up. And I find that I can also let go of some stuffs that are stuck inside me! =) So I am thankful...

Yest night I saw dad reading chinese version of Purpose Driven Life. And I give I reflect on the past one plus mths, filled with tears, quarrels, compromise and talking things through.It has been tough with mum's ankle, and its another mth before she can walk properly. But God has given our family so much grace to go thru this time. It reminds me of Lazarus's death- Jesus said this sickness is not unto death, but that His glory may be revealed. Ya...... May He continue to lead us from strength to strength thru His grace & mercy.

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