Saturday, April 14, 2007

Rays of distant sunshine

I had the opportunity to talk to the head of a social org yesterday. I was glad for the talk as the questions he asked me, and the comments he made caused me to ponder about my role and the things I really wanted to do. I said I wanted to bridge the gap between business and social sector. One of the things he asked was how I intended to do that, and what did I think was the gap? I talked abt diff language spoken by the 2 sectors, and the need for a mediator. Anyway he asked me how I would present a social cause to the heads of a corporate, which I said I will use photos of sad/ thin children and tell stories abt them, and also share that there was more meaning to life that pursuing their work & ambitions. He said that this sounded like the lang of a social org used, and not a business lang. A business lang- is something like telling the business ple for every dollar they donate, it went to help X no. of people have education etc etc.

I realise this so-called business language is something I don't like. In fact, I loathe sticking social ideals into returns and figures and efficiency. =P Oh dear, I am afterall very un-business like. But upon thinking thru in a deeper manner, I guess having experience in the corporate sector helps me to know how corporates work. And also I have a network of influence on my contacts. This ripple effect hopefully creates awareness amongst people around me.

So what do I really want? To be the facilitator, or to be on the ground being able to talk to and mingle with the needy? Well I really don't know!

But for the first time in 2 years, almost, I actually felt glad being where I was, at my job. And I feel at rest. I don't feel I am shortchanging myself, don't feel I should be anywhere else helping starving children, or leaving singapore right now. I don't think it is cos my passion to help them has waned, if any, it has only increased right there in the heart. Perhaps, this passion has been tutored with realism, and surrounded with the peace of God. Knowing that He has guided me, and will continue to guide me in the right place at the right time to do the right thing.

I had the opportunity to meet up with a 19 year old gal today, who is a new believer, for bible study. And I felt so touched when she prayed, and said thank God for bringing someone to teach her about Him, as she always wanted someone to guide her along. I wonder how many there are out there who want guidance? In an amazing way, God placed her in my path, and I can't tell u how encouraging that is. I know He knew my heart for the youths, and ya....I can see a rainbow again...I can see a vision again...even if it is a glimpse of sunshine from seems as if I am moving nearer. If only I will continue to press on and trust in His lovingkindness.

Amazingly met JW today while queuing up for jap octopus balls at Taka, he was right in front of me. In the first place, hardly anyone eats lunch at 330pm, and to specifically want to eat Taka octopus balls is a divine appt. =) Grateful for the short chat once again and JW for succintly summarizing the possibilities of my future. To speak to businessmen- creating awareness and need for social responsibility. To speak to Christians, presenting to them the needs of the poor and encouraging them into social action. Ya, social action shd be part of the church. ;)

It was good dinner on friday night too! Having dinner with the girls, celebrating Q and J's birthday. ;) Nice jap food and cosy place to be at! :)

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