Sunday, December 03, 2006

Why I am a christian

Today's sermon on The Meaning of Christmas provoked many thoughts in me. I am reminded of the reasons why I am a christian.

I've been talking a lot about social causes in this blog. But why exactly am I so passionate about it?

Sometimes I think of asking non-christians why they are so passionate about social causes. Something stirs within their hearts? The desire for social justice to be done?

Perhaps those are part of the reason. But does this lead to feelings of defeat and depression? Unless u believe that justice & mercy are sovereign in the end, otherwise, u are fighting a lost cause. I've seen how people have become disillusioned and bitter by the sufferings of others.

Or perhaps, u believe in the temporal easing of suffering, and then when we pass away, we are no more, reduced to dust.

When I first converted to christianity, I wanted to talk to someone whenever I felt down or lost, hoping that the one up there will listen to me. However as 8 years passed, this relationship has developed and at the core of it all, I am a christian because I've been continuously touched by God's love.

The speaker shared today on the incarnation of Christ, how He came on earth, the most incredible thing had happened for God to become a man, so that He could relate to us. This was likened to Einstein becoming a worm, instead of the smart scientist and inventor that he was.

As the christmas season draws nearer, it cannot help but bring warm feelings to me, that Christ chose to become human to relate to us human beings. He came in all humility, not in pom, glory or trumpet sounds, but in a manger, as a human. As a human baby Jesus, being fed and changed, helpless like us. And surely, He understands our sufferings and what we go through much better than we think.

This thought touches my heart. And that really, is the true motivation behind my passion for social causes. This love that I believe Christ has for everyone, is available to anyone. A love that I have received, and the only response is with gratitude and thanksgiving, to share the same love with everyone.

He is the same Jesus who wept with compassion when He saw the lostness of men.

One of the most distinctive features of christianity is this personable relationship we claim to have with God. He is our Father and our friend. No other religion offers this personal relationship.

But He is not just a personal God, but also Holy & mighty, ruler of all the earth.

I know that I will burn myself loving others and doing good for others based on my sense of right and wrong. We can't give to others something that we don't have. We can't love others without the revelation of what true love is.

In Lord of the Rings, Gandalf dressed in white raises his shimmering white rod, and light shines out from his body. We as viewers look to him as the saviour of the show. The one with the power. We as human beings all look to something miraculous, someone that gives us hope. Whether God in whatever form, we pray for miracles in our most desperate times. And whenever Gandalf appears, he brings a calmness to his surroundings, we know that he will save the day.

I urge u to think about justice and sovereignity. Do u believe that these are present? They may be the only hope we have left for this world.

And then if u believe in justice, in what form would God come to you?

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