Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A tribute to my colleagues

My boss just announced this news today to the rest, so I guess I can blog about it now!
From February onwards I will be moving into the Process Management Office. It was supposed to be July, but the replacement (for me) came earlier than expected, and so I am going to change division in one month's time! This new role is about analysing the processes in the department, and researching on how it can be streamlined/improved, as well as some enhancement projects.

I have mixed feelings now. I am rather happy about the change in duties, cos in this new division, I get to interact with people/coordinate things/go for meetings.

But I am feeling sad too. The feelings haven't exactly sunk in.
In this age where relationships are so temporal, I couldn't ask for more, having a bunch of really supportive colleagues whom I click with. The bunch of us 7, call ourselves the "fishes", cos our division is located behind a glass panel that makes it look as if we were within a fish tank. In the office we have the power puff gals, me and 2 other gals. I don't know if u find this childish, but I really enjoy everyone's company, and relationships really make work less dull. :) Wouldn't have gone through these mths/year without their love & support.

So thank you for the memories, if you are reading this right now!
I'm really glad we can go beyond colleagues to being good friends. I treasure the friendships a lot.

So as the year is coming to the end....I shall start first by paying a tribute to my lovely colleagues.

Thank God for such a nice working environment.

Thank God also for the change. Not sure how long more I could have continued with the work.

Thank God for a good boss who asked me to change division cos he is more concerned with a job scope that is fitting for me.

Thank God for the overseas comm service trip to Philippines. We are going to have evaluation/discussion/feedback next week, and I may have to share. Praying for favour, praying for wisdom, praying for open doors for next year.

Thank God for the Habitat team. Met 3 of them for lunch today with HY. Talked about pay cuts, talked about why they join Habitat...Hosea said there were always openings at Cambodia! Role in finance. Haha.....who knows maybe someday?

In the new year, I pray that the fires of compassion will continue to burn so deep in my heart. I pray for more passion. I pray that God will prepare me the whole of next year, make me strong for whatever journey that lies ahead.

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