Sunday, October 01, 2006

Why are you doing what you are doing?

One of the most impt questions that we must ask ourselves is- Why are u doing what u are doing? What's yr motivation behind it? Because the best of things that we do can be done out of the wrong motivations.

I was quite happy this morning, and woke up feeling a deep sense of God's peace. And I felt this confirmation from God abt some of the decisions I had made. And esp wrt church, I just felt this tremendous peace and assurance. Been waiting for very long for God's confirmation wrt my change of church. Will still need to keep praying about it, but I am thankful.

For these months I've been asking myself do I want to change church because I am sick, tired and disillusioned, or is it really I want to grow and find a church where I can identiy with its vision. And I'm glad that after such a long time, I can finally say that it is the latter. ;)

Now about jobs- I am still trying to figure out my motivation for wanting to work in the social sector/developing country. Is it because I don't enjoy my work and want to escape from it? Is it because it is something at the spur of the moment? Is it because I want to prove something? All these are questions I need to answer to. Roughly have some dates sorted out for myself which I am aiming for. But are those dates right and appropriate?

Until I get my intentions sorted out, I know as real as it can be, when I get thrown into a ministry kind of role, I will simply be serving out of impure intentions, and then when I fall, I will get disillusioned and angry with life.

I need to have the faith to believe God that this is not where I am going to continue forever, 830am to 6pm. There must be something more.

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