Friday, May 13, 2005

Honouring our leaders

Today's entry is to honour 2 leaders:

Pastor Kong, Pastor Sun

Yesterday when Pstor Phil prayed for the pastors, I felt this emotion surging up within me. I wanted to cry. Momentarily, God allowed me to to feel the huge burden they carry.

If as a cgl, I feel burdened, how about pastor?
Under Pastor's leadership are 18,000 people.

City Harvest Church is the church that I belong too. I am NOT ashamed even though there are people who think negatively of it.

A revival is passing thru our church. During the conference, hands upraised to worship Him, and tears in our eyes. People jumping up and down to praise Him. Hearts are getting excited, and lives are being touched.

This church is built on men and women who sacrificed their lives in obedience to God's calling. People who skip meals, people who take cabs all the way to Jurong. People who will pray overnight, visit and talk to mbrs at wee hours. People who will sacrifice sleep for the gospel.
I am so so proud to be part of this church, my family.

Pastor Kong, my spiritual father.
Sleeps a few hours a day. Heard that on some days, he stays overnight to write the devotional journals for the members. On other days, he flies long hrs to speak at conferences. Every weekend, he preaches the same message 7 times. He ministers to us. Sitting in the audi...ple come in yearning for a touch fr God. MAny come in as pew warmers..they cry "feed me feed me!"

Pastor Sun
Amidst the criticsm, she stands strong. Ever had the feeling of being misunderstood? Take watever feeling u have and multiply it by the population in Singapore.
Wherever she went she sang, danced with ALL of her might. If u dunno by now, in her concerts overseas, she won 100,000 souls to Christ. After her concerts in taiwan, indonesia, HK, china she shares her testimony on how God changed her life. How abt the followup? Our church mbrs go there to train ple so tat they are equipped to build their own local churches. :)

Thank God for the men and women of God. :)

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