Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Good morning

Yeah its morning! Listening to "Hero" in the background, courtesy of Mainer's website.

My parents are off to a leadership training camp at a bible seminary from thur to sat. Haha. My parents..who used to be anti-church, pragmatist. Now, going for leadership training. :) Praise God. With God all things are possible.

This week Rev Benny Hinn is coming to the indoor stadium to preach. Heard it will really be crowded, with ple flying from indonesia, malaysia etc, ple buying their own air tkts to come. Pastor Audrey says tat the church office was flooded with phone calls from christians wanting to reserve seats in the indoor stadium. There's one church that's even bringing 400 ple! So expected to be really crowded. Heard of ple going at 12pm to queue..some foreigners camping overnight! N272, wat time are u guys meeting? :)

Tmr bizad is having a prayer meeting. Organised by Derrick. Am expecting God to move mightily. I pray for open hearts. I will be sharing my testimony. Derrick will share somemore. Then also hoping we get to pray for some of them and minister to them. Lets see how God will move. God, is tis the time u r talking abt? The revival tat U showed me?
Exciting times ...Roy is going down to Temasek Sec to preach today. Pray for him. Ziling..his mbrs, invited him down, to speak to a group of 10-20 of them.

In the midst of all these there are the hiccups/obstacles. Sigh..I quote..the greater the calling, the greater the depth and width of your faith experiences. Things have not been so smooth in the forum, emotions..Challenges in my life. The door is open but the adversaries are many. Therefore pray pray and pray.

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