Sunday, August 28, 2005


Just came back from service today, it was a very good message. It was simple, and yet profound, and the Holy Spirit impressed upon my heart a rhema word! => A reminder of my vision in Him. It was very very very wonderful, and also very reassuring. And also it was powerful.

In the morning we had bible study with Pstor. And she talked abt repentance from dead works. I have given a similar bible study b4 on this topic. And yet when she gave, it was whooo! New revelations, and a very distinct prompting in my heart from the Holy Spirit. To repent of the worldly stuffs, and ungodly relationships that were holding me back.

I am very thankful that God is a God of second chances. As I examine my own life, on the inside there are so many things that are messed up. But yet He never gave up on me, and saw me beyond my current situation. He always believed in me! And amazingly, everytime we are about to fall, He will never fail to tug us back gently on the right path. Sometimes not too gently.. who says that the chastening of the Lord is easy to go thru? But nevertheless the temporal pain is only for something greater..and will only bring u closer to ur destiny.

And that is smthing that I see in ple ard me. WE all struggle as human beings with our flesh and our desires. God just knows how to deal with us individually, and He knows specifically the stuffs that hold us back. And I know that because of His amazing grace, that I am also able to believe in ple around me. That one day and someday..He will bring them closer to Him. And that He will work within their lives. Meanwhile, love covers a multitude of sin. Having love for ple..being gracious. Believing together with them. =)
To those who r struggling, hang on there!! God is ever present there for u.

guess wat! I got myself a zen micro 5G. Its to reward myself for my hard work..eheh..been working so hard, I deserve a present for myself rite? in the office I can listen to my fave tracks! Really happy.

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