Friday, December 07, 2007

Finding Job & Dating

Can't believe I spent almost 30 min on Facebooks doing very frivalous stuffs!!

Things are beginning to come into a slower momentum in the office, as the projects start to settle into a more comfortable pace. Thank God. I had a quiet moment by myself today during lunch time, went to Pacific Coffee with bible in tow to do some reading.

And I did some reflection! I suddenly thought of something quite weird, the parallels betw finding a job and dating! Finding a job is a bit like dating....It takes time to discover if a job is really suitable for u...At first sight, a job description sounds like what you will like. But upon a deeper pondering of yr life goals and preferences, maybe the particular job does not feel like it will last u throughout yr lifetime. Ofcos in this age and era, people job hop like nobody's business, yet I guess there are particular fields that suit yr preferences/interests and passion, and it prob won't change for a long long time.My ideal job constitutes interaction with people. Being able to be of help to someone, to see a smile on the face, esp on the faces of people who are broken hearted and marginalized. I like youths, but I am not sure if that is the core to my ideal job, as I can also interact with youths on other basis like in church ministry. I guess the underlying call, is the gift of mercy, to love the unwanted ones, to heal the broken hearted. That's where I guess the iffy grey area comes, cos a job that allows lotsa interaction with youths comes along, and then it feels somewhat like it, but it is also somewhat not like it.

One of the recent passions I discovered is I like to travel! My ideal job also brings me traveling. And want to go to lotsa developing countries, interacting with people there. Funny thing is, local VWOs and doing social enteprises for them doesn't excite me as much as overseas stuff like microfinancing or agricultural development.

The weird part is, even though I like relating and meeting new people, I also need my space to be able to sit quietly behind my desk and write some report or polish up some writings. 8)

I don't like administration or handling nitty gritty details. I am more of a big picture kinda person. I don't like routine, like some variation & challenges. Yet I also like some kind of defined boundaries around me, don't like things to become too iffy!! I have totally lost the first train of thought about dating! I guess everyone of us has our criteria in terms of our life partner. Some stuff can be compromised, but some are core values that u know u definitely want in yr partner. I guess one must be able to envision a future with that particular person. But how the other must also share the same sentiments, thats not easy! There could be something u like about a person, yet because of that minute difference, the both of u run on parallel tracks and u never meet. Hopefully the tracks meet someday.

I guess in terms of work & relationship I do know what I want. At least that's what I think for now.

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