Monday, February 19, 2007

This drowsy feeling...

Went for a swim with my sister today! It was more relaxing than I thought it would be. I don't really swim much, and am not good at swimming. It took me some time to get used to the water. After awhile, the feeling of being immersed in water was so comforting and therapeutic. The water seemed to have its calming effects on me, maybe it was the slow ebbing of the waves. :)

Felt really like sleeping after that. But had to await the arrival of my relatives. So whiled away my time watching JJ Lin's concert. I really like his songs!

Was really angry today because of a remark someone made, about him donating money only if social workers were not paid, and that social workers were people who couldn't find jobs elsewhere, hence getting involved in this line. Fumed away for a long long time, and complained to my mum, who put her arm around my shoulder and said that walking with God we will face all sorts of trials and tribulations. It made the most sense to me at that point in time.

Meeting many relatives this year, esp cousins who are finishing their studies, graduating, ORDed, entering university, entering pri 1 (gasp! what happened to that little baby in the cradle), made me much more aware that I am ageing with them. SOBS. Goodbye to year of the dog, no more 24, and hitting "mid" twenties. SOBS again.

I feel really tired. Maybe again, it is the therapeutic effects of the swim? I'm taking a one week hiatus. Took 3 days off from no Wed blues! YIPPEE! I hope that I will get rejuvanated through this rest.

Church was good yesterday, and my friend lingered in the hall after service had ended. Learnt something from him, about lingering in God's presence, simply just waiting and enjoying. Wah. I need a quiet heart, and a restful heart. But during worship, God planted something in my heart, a deep sense of peace. That feeling of restedness. What it felt like when He was in control.

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