Monday, February 05, 2007

Do u think we can make poverty history?

Interesting topic over lunch after service with some of my cg members. ;) Really happy that there is all this discussion going on. And I have probably also been bombarding everyone's email about poverty, world vision & habitat events.

It feels weird, cos it is not very "me" to try and influence others or to be an advocate of something usually unspoken. It's quite a challenge for me.

But one thing Andrew said that I always remember...that people should start listening to others who are quiet. I can be quiet- like my personality, but I can be quiet and confident, and firm about my views. And often, people will still get the message beneath the quietness.

Went for the Habitat Operation Homeworks on Saturday. It was quite interesting...and happy cleaning the house for an old lady. Though she is probably actually not very poor. Actually realise I am quite blessed to be able to be released to go out and do community work, cos my mum does a lot of the housework at home.
The house we were actually allocated to, was that of an old man, with shoulder length white hair. His house was filled to the brim with stuffs, and it would have been a challenge to clean his house. Alas, he changed his mind and said need, don't want you to clean my house. Sobs. So we went to another aunty's house instead.
Came home and boiled my clothes, there were little black insects that floated on the water. Washed like almost 20 rounds before there were no more insects aka bed bugs....grr...felt so sleepy and exhausted then, and thought of the sacrifice of Christ...and my sacrifice was like really no match to His love. ha..

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