Saturday, February 24, 2007

Over the span of a 9 day break

My 9 day hiatus is almost over, as I will be resuming work on Monday. So what have I been busy with? Contrary to popular belief, I have not been eating and sleeping for the past 7days. The first 3 days were filled with visitations and reunion dinners ofcos. But on Tuesday, I managed to catch a show with a fren whom I found out likes a similar genre of movies as me. I caught Little Children, though I must say it was a depressing film which left me feeling very disturbed. Thought provoking though- about how lonely most of us are, and the repressed desires that we have beneath, suffocated at times by the reality of life and its demands.

Glad too that I managed to meet up with some of the N272 people, had lunch with EY, went to Chin's house for his party, and also met Alan and Eugene there. Brought back many lovely memories, all still too vivid in my mind. ;) Wasn't it like just yesterday we had our evangelistic cell group gathering at Chin's condo function room?

Also had time to read. Reading two books now, Tim Chester's Good News to the Poor and Richard Foster's Celebration of Discipline. Reading at Starbucks with my camomile tea was a luxurious rest for me. Many thought provoking ideas raised from Tim Chester's book, very thankful indeed. Also did another thing I enjoyed, praying by the beach, a long stroll down the sandy path, sitting down on a rock and staring into the sea. :) My solitude time.

Hung around with Qifen and her German bf for half a day yesterday. (Gal: I am so happy for u that u found yrself a kind & nice bf. :)) Then went for a steamboat with my colleagues @ marina bay, and thereafter 2 bowling games with them. Ha.. The outcome proves that bowling is not my game. Hope to become better next time!

Well, all was not happy. Had a clash with my dad cos I wanted to go Africa with World Vision for a one week trip. I am still praying about it, different considerations on the weighing scale. How much do I really want to make this trip? Is it worth it if it will strain my r/s with parents? Can I spend the 3K for the trip better by making a donation instead? I guess I just need to put these things in perspective. Ya, and to have a focus for the things I am doing. I guess the main motivation is to explore and widen my perspective, cos I think it might be tough to go Africa on another self organized trip- will be more dangerous and I won't get to see the income generation things that World Vision is doing there.

I've known long ago that my dad and I have different priorities in life. It just saddens me at time. And I feel so repressed at times as I struggle with my ideals, and the realities of life. Reality in the form of parental pragmatism always seems to tie down one side of my foot. Sometimes I feel breathless and suffocated. Sometimes I don't see a way out of this. Sometimes I wonder, when can I start living the life for myself and not for others? I think I should put on a sack cloth and fast and pray like Nehemiah. :D Reminded of one thing though, that I must become stronger emotionally, cos that's impt in the face of persecution which we are bound to meet in our lives as a christian.

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