Thursday, September 22, 2005


Had a rather bad day today, I think that the path gets lonelier as u choose the narrow path. Who doesn't need frens to pour sorrows to? SIgh.
I feel really misunderstood. And I know that I shouldn't focus on the negative, but again and again the words replay in my mind and its like..I come to the threshold of my endurance and suddenly it just broke. Its like Not You too? You whom I love?
O well this is a list of incoherent sentences that probably don't really link.

Ok, pick urself up and be strong! Shoo..!


Anonymous said...

mm... they do link, and i felt exactly the same these past few days.. :/ Even the "Not You too?"
Sorry, I wasnt there... (and was even wondering where u were when I needed someone)..

What happened?...
Narrow path?..
Why misunderstood?..
Guess it's sad that someone u trust enuff to pour ur sorrows to think u are being unfair, selfish and fragile/needy in choosing them. (for me..)
Mm.. but not me..!:P
Understand that everyone has such times..
Dont let them replay lah... hope it tides over soon..:) *huGs

Anonymous said...

hmmmm... is it cause of me?

XJ you must be strong :D cause you are strong... if not how I take you as example? :) nvm what I said lah... it's misunderstanding on my part too... so.. CHEER UP... thanks for your concern and everything...

Lois said...

YO la, the first para and the second had no linkage. Kinda felt a bit lonely cos don't really know who to share with. Yeah..

di..u quite sensitive ah? Heh. Glad that its all over, lets move on fr here. Jia you gal..and may u overcome ur procrastination!