Friday, February 15, 2008

Hush, now.

Happy V Day one and all! Yesterday, poignant thoughts filled my mind. I'm so so so going to miss my colleagues! Sobz. Happy lunches with them.
So going to miss my two big LCD pc screens, my cosy spacious corner and seat.
And the pantry with yummy cheezels and mamee and hot chocolate.
Lots of time to think these days as I make my escape from office at 6ish everyday for the past few days. My project has finished so I'm tying up loose ends plus doing some adhoc stuff. Not that busy. My heart feels a bit heavy though. There is a void in my heart. Of missings and yearnings.
So I get to go home early and I settle down on my bed with a book or the bible, or I watch TV with my parents. Get to spend lots of time with them these days. And mum was so sweet yesterday, cooking nice food for V-day! :) There was avocado salad, potato salad, spring rolls, miso soup and prawns. =) God has somehow drawn my family closer together in these recent times, and I am so thankful!
Because work is less busy, I get to chat with my colleagues much more too. Some of whom are drowning in their work, and I am glad in one way or another, being able to listen to their grouses and I hope I've made them feel better! Whether it is grouses about colleagues, work or family pressures, I pray that God's grace may see them through. One morning a few days ago, I walked down the MRT tunnel and slowed down my pace. I saw masses of people rushing down the tunnel in their shirts, ties and business bags. Rush rush and rush. ;p Hush now. I hope we all get time to hush down and rest. I pray the God of love will fill all our hearts. And we may see meaning in the things we do.
A few nights ago, while I was praying, I saw the vision of a heart as I closed my eyes. A pair of hands was holding the heart. Yes, and protecting it.
The heart was whole, and it was red with blood, filled with His love. I felt the the love of God, speaking to me in deep areas.
Thank You for loving me, Jesus. :)
Me: Why do u love me Jesus?
Jesus: I just do.

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