Saturday, July 30, 2005


Last week 3 koreans (can u identify the koreans?) came over to visit our cg. =>'s a pic of the cg I've been talking about every time in my blogs.

I love my cg!! Yesterday's CG meeting was awesome. The presence of God came in so strongly, that I almost wept during worship...and then at ministry, I felt heat all over me. A very very strong anointing and presence.

The message was on spiritual hunger.

It has been such a challenging week..that I dunno how to describe it. If u tink thesis was bad, last week was worst. Maybe its an accumulation of a lack of rest. Since sch ended, found a job quickly. With the forum coming soon in 2 weeks time, pretty much very tied. Slept at 1 plus almost everyday, and wake at 7am. The worse thing is the barrage of things that hit you. In the morning..reach the office at 830, and the mad rush begins. This week something happened in the office to some figures. So my department had to bear the responsibility for some mistakes. So 12 hr work day doesn't end when I reach home cos of forum and cg stuffs. And so 1am is my sleeping time.

Our all time favourite Spider man says tat with power comes great responsibility. If u aspire to be the man on the stage who preaches every week, or the CEO of a company in newspapers, or the big shot being interviewed in the news, be prepared for responsibilities. Basically someone with power, behind that man is full of hardwork, self doubt, obstacles, burdens that he has to overcome. And until we pass one test, dun expect to move to the next.

Thesis was challenging but I can "cope". But wat happens when u come to a pt where u cannot. When u got zero strength to carry on. And then u need the FAITH to believe in God and to trust Him, to walk in obedience to His word. Even when in front of u is a patch of nothingness, u hold on to the promise and keep walking.
WHen u come to a pt where I cannot cope, I die to myself, and I know that my only hope is God.

Throw u in a shallow pool, u swim happily and know that God is by ur side.
Throw u in a pool..where u can tip toe to get ur head above water, u ask God for help and guidance. And strength to tip toe the whole way.
Throw u in a deep pool, where u need to paddle to stay above water. I tell u, u paddle like mad, and in ur desperation, u cry out for help. U NEED God to be there for u.


Tsewen left to go back to US to complete his studies yesterday! And Cuiwei to go back to NUS. Both have 6 mths to graduation. We had peranakan food at blue ginger. SO sad. Tsewen is a joy on my floor cos he goes around gossiping. Haha..not really la, he actually smiles a lot and is a very positive person. And very soon in Aug/sept the rest of the schlars shd be leaving soon...or in oct. Booohoo..less ple to crap with in the office.

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