Sunday, July 17, 2005

People, lives and their hearts

I was really angry today after an encounter with this christian brother.

It really saddens my heart sometimes to see how ple can be "hungry" for God, His word and His presence, but don't live out a Christ like life. Look, if you say that you have been touched by His presence, then PLEASE live out a life that demonstrates that, instead of being self-righteous and pointing ur fingers at others. No wonder the bible says to look at the speck in your own eye first. Ple who are genuinely touched by God are changed. The touch of God follows with u repentance and acts of good works. After being touched it should be followed through with discipline to start reading the bible, and praying.

Any form of I-don't-need- anyone-to-teach-me so please back off attitude = pride. U may think u noe the whole bible inside out, upside down. But please, this kind of attitude does not please God.

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