Sunday, November 01, 2009


I went for my first mass run today with Jas and YX. It was organized by Great Eastern. =P
It was kinda fun, at first I felt like I was running on the spot cos it was so crowded, and I could barely move. But coming to about 2.5km onwards, people started to become more spread out, and I could fly! =p The last 100 m was exhilarating. Running to the end with crowds of people all around you! I finished 5km in 29min 32sec (and I should minus some minutes for the starting as I started so far away fr the starting point).
Haha, yea, u see my competitive nature even in running. ;p I never was too good in sports, but ever since going to the gym, my stamina has improved a lot, and I do enjoy challenging my own limits in running!

I went to church in the afternoon for lunch & a training on the Banquet of Honour. Its a series of dinners and lunches organized for the migrant workers- Domestic workers and blue collared to honour them and thank them for their service in Singapore. Its organized by churches in Singapore. =) I would be serving, provided I'm not traveling. I'm really looking forward to it. A bit apprehensive about pouring drinks and scooping rice, cos I'm not that good at serving, but I really like that concept of upside down leadership. Of how Jesus Himself was an example of servanthood...when he stooped down and washed His disciples feet.

So anyway I got a partial lift home, thankful for my friend =) For the first sunday in a long while, I actually got home at 3ish. I was so zonked that I slept for 2 hours.....really felt so exhausted and my body is finally letting itself rest and replenish itself a bit. Spent the rest of the evening watching tv.

I watched Jay Chou's movie 不能说的秘密. And it was kinda disturbing..eerie..and sad. Why disturbing? Other then the sudden twist in the middle of the show, I realise for me, it is because the female protagonist died without knowing the truth- that the male protagonist loves her with all his heart.

Hmm. I also watched a korean drama about a traditional family....and the little boy in the show was kinda cute. =) It was cute watching the dynamics between the different generations from great grandson to father to grand father etc.
One particular Conversation went like this
Great grandson (Crying because parents divorced, and mother moved away without telling him): Great Grandpa, it hurts, my heart is in pain
Great Grandpa: Your heart will become stronger, next time when you encounter painful things, it would not hurt so much
So much truth in that- in building resilence and becoming stronger thru pain.

Alright I'm just verbal diarhoeing my day. ;p Off to sleep and another rest day tmr. Thank God..

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