Sunday, July 15, 2007

I am whole

Its interesting this journey with God...Uphills and downhills. =)
It has been somewhat a struggle for some time feeling a sense of misfit with people, esp christians. Yet knowing that He wants me to be part of the fellowship of believers, hence pressing on even though sometimes I didn't feel like it.
But getting to know people on a deeper level, I've started to learn a thing or two. First and foremost I guess I look inward and realise my pridefulness. Other then that, seeing how He is moving in each one's life in His own divine way for we are all on different ends of the journey, whereby He meets us. And finally learning somethings from them.

I realise tat I've been blessed with a job that is not that bad because I can still go home at 7ish almost everyday and sometimes I leave at 6ish. There are only some seasons I go back at 8ish or 9ish. Whereas some of my friends have to work on weekends and till 11ish, even 4am on weekdays. :/ And I do find my pay & bonuses very decent, in fact quite good. I think He has blessed me and helped me at work, giving me the grace to serve Him.

Putting up a proposal for community service in the office! Hopefully God will give me wisdom to do the right thing.

These days I realise that I should not allow my 9-6 job to set limitations on what I want to do/like to do. I guess I am slowly finding my identity, who He has created me to be. Lord, I wanna be WHOLE! There is still much much to explore...

Like the 12 day trip coming up in Aug. :)

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