Tuesday, January 12, 2010


It was a great trip!

Experienced floods, which was a little scary when it started to rain and it was night time. We couldn't see what we were walking on cos it was dark, and we had to tread though the waters. But the kiddos in the village bathed and raced in their sampans on the approx 1 mtr deep waters around their house. Such resilience and simple enjoyment, and of turning a natural disaster into something fun! I enjoyed being in the village cos of that adventurous streak in me - maybe cos I missed that rebellious teenager phase, and I'm experiencing it post teenager! Enjoyed the experience of being with different culture, different types of housing and living, certainly opens up my mind to many things!

Thank God for His protection in such different situations! And that we didn't get food poisoning even though we ate with our hands for most times, like the locals, and tried different types of food and drinks.

One thing that struck me is how our partners live amongst the villagers! One particular team travels a few hrs every week to this remote village! Its amazing. Reminds me of how I felt at Philippines, that God would travel to the most remote of places in the villages to reach out to His people. And also, its the whole concept of how you need to live amongst the people and be with them. Like Jesus staying and living amongst men. I think this makes good community development model too! Not just some high level sit at the office kind of planning.

I wished the trip would not end. But honestly I did miss my comfy bed and my bathroom and my family. I don't think I can take staying in the village for a long while, and a few days is really novelty. Plus you don't get to bathe in the village! Unless you want to use well water or bathe in the river. It reminds me that locals are best at reaching locals. And what is the unique pt we singaporeans have? I guess we have resources, materials, techniques that we could train the locals in and empower them.

Whats great though abt going to a developing country and spending time there? Its a great big detox from busy Singapore. At one particular village, there was no TV, and at night time, we all sat around to chat and drink tea. It forces you to interact with people on a very human level. On almost a daily basis, we had great times of sharing and devotion and worship too amongst our team. It was great spending time with God. I went to Indo to find Him, and found Him I did!

It strikes me that it is not so much of the environment we are in (tho that greatly helps) but that inner attitude and pursuit of God. Its been a week since I got back and life is starting to get busy again. But this year I really hope to spend time off and daily to be living my life like I am on a missions trip.

1 comment:

yinky said...

wah! i am so privileged to go to the same village as you did. and love your thoughts.
bye bye, love lamb.