Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Since when did fear become a norm?

Today my good friend Andrew came to my office to have a meeting with me and our social enterprise BI. I didn't realise I missed him being present in my life so much, we were really close in university organizing the social entrepreneurship forum together. Meeting him and his friend who are socially conscious & passionate abt SE made me feel so happy. Sometimes Im like a little girl, so easily pleased, I realise.
So anyway, his coming and my talk with S, made me realise that I had gotten use to fear so much that it has become a norm. Talking in soft tones and threading on egg shells. Getting used to people being unkind and protecting their own territory, so to speak, not sharing or working in teams. Yah. And prolonged exposure to this thinking has normalized me into suppressing my need for justice & fairness. How sad..
And because of human nature's innate need for justice, suppressing it feels no good yeah. I need to stop normalizing unfair or rude treatment, and stand up for rights. Its such a thin line between being resilient, growing wiser VS hardening your heart, and normalizing yourself to oppression. No wonder they say little elephants who are being tied to a pole and try to set themselves free cannot. When they are bigger, they can easily pull themselves off, but they remember the childhood trauma and stay stuck to the pole.

Had a good meeting in the afternoon too...with someone who is going to help us run a workshop on social justice. I don't know why but I felt God's presence with us, and I was so happy cos I feel our hearts kind of resonnated abt social justice, fairness, and abt Singapore also having migrant workers and all who are in need of help.

I've been thinking more and more abt the marketplace recently. In particular, the corporate world. ;p Will pray more and see how it goes next year!

Meanwhile, work is really building up with year end trips coming up.

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