Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Fussing over hair

Yesterday I went to have my hair cut and also highlighted. And it was strange how when Mike - my hairdresser was fussing around with my hair that I thought of B- a christian sister I had met in a village in China. Its a village in high multitudes, and she was the only christian there. Because they don't have bathing facilities there, the people hardly bathe. And we hadn't bathe for a few days. So B offered to wash our hair for us. It was funny using the tap outside her house, and her putting the shampoo on for us in the cold weather, massaging our heads. It was very fun, and I felt very loved! I think there's a little child in me that still loves to have someone wash my hair for me and fuss over me.

Nothing much to update. Except that I have been pretty uptight about some work issues. But then for the past few days, learning to let go. And I actually dreamt about work! Its a signal I think, to let go and not want to be in control over situations I have no control over. And also to stop doing things I am not required or called to do!

Quite looking forward to meeting up with some friends this week- esp my ex colleagues tmr. =) Catching up with people has been good....

Alright! Thats all for updates for now!

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