Friday, February 27, 2009

Of Rainbows and Covenants

Saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky on Wed night. =) What a sight! It caused all the shoppers along Orchard Road to pause and take photos or look at the Rainbow.
We city dwellers don't get to see much of other beautiful natural sights!

Rainbow is a sign of God's Covenant. We also make covenants with people in relationships. What does a commitment and a covenant entail?


Watched Slum Dog Millionaire on Wed. My goodness....the kind of conditions that the kids went through, scavenging for rubbish in the slum areas. Same conditions I recall at Cambodia, at Philippines. And I see these kids begging for money when I am a tourist in different cities. We think some of these kids are scums or thieves or pitiful, but we hardly see them as individuals. Each with a past, a family and a story.


Learning to love people. When I say I love migrant workers, what does this mean? Or when I love people in China? Etc. etc. I find that I need to have more love. How is it that it is so difficult these days to share my faith with others or to pause and talk to them. How do I move from seeing the multitudes to seeing the indvidual? How do I move from pity to love?


3 interns in the office have been a blessing. 2 of them are from RGS, tho they are 8 years my juniors. heh. I feel like a girl gang leader, going for lunch with them etc. I miss peers in the office. But thank God for providing 3 of them to help out with work. They bring so much cheer and hope into the office.


Felt a bit down today. And I met J, one of the volunteers. She started asking me abt the work in Aceh. I was feeling overwhelmed by problems in the ministry (esp Aceh), plus other personal issues. Wow, and God provided me with someone to talk to. She prayed with me.
Next thing another partner called me and also shared words of encouragement with me.


So yeah, I definitely believe in rainbows, and God's covenant love. He has shown me so much of His love through work in GB. May I learn to love, as He has first loved. To love Him, to love him, to love her, to love myself.

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