Monday, December 15, 2008

Travel Journals

Had the time, space, mood to write again this time at Indonesia. Here are excerpts from my notebook:
Landed at Jakarta at 9 plus. Was picked up by our Indonesian partner, and travelled for 1 hr before we riched a beautiful big house. This was the house of one of the board members. It was so nice and comfy, and I got to stay in the daughter's room as she was in America. I thought it was generous to let me stay in the daughter's room.

Thought of what a difference it makes if I grew up in this kind of environment. But 80% (maybe) of the population lives in abject poverty. Do they? Is it wrong to be rich? Do we need to be rich to give to others and to supply resources for the work? What if I stayed more simply and gave more? How simple is simple? God determines the hearts. Can rich indonesians give to their own kind? Definitely!


We took the morning flight to Pontianak (Kalimantan) to a christian school in the village, for the village people.

Realised today that if education was a means to share the gospel with the people, and to uplift the people out of poverty, then learning how to run a school is very important. There are so many aspects to consider, like syllabus, quality of teachers, a sch building etc. In Singapore I take it for granted that schs have good teachers and structure etc. That's why it didn't dawn on me what good Piaget (an established sch in Medan using Singapore syllabus & teachers) was doing and why they would want to follow the stressful singapore education system.

Saw that we passed by countless villages, now that I've seen many different villages, people look similar in villages cos they don't have much. The kids usually have no clothes and the homes look like they are built from zinc & wood.
Thought of this whole thing about economic progression and the transition from a village to city; from cottage industries to industralization. I wonder what's the price to pay for these! Does the progression come naturally? Who would reach out to these ones found in forsaken places that requires long drives into villagers? God has not forsaken these ones. Perhaps, change is best brought about by their own kind, i.e. rich indonesians who understand the language and geography better. And what then do we offer these ones? Education? Livelihood skills? If education, the the importance of schools.
I was touched by MIKA & GB & TPMC building this school for - as the newspaper article said- the "disadvantaged". Giving youths, children an opportunity to learn. This school was the outcome of a vision.

I loved the way the kids (youths/students) play their guitars in small groups and worship God. Its amazing, lifting up our voices to the same God who holds the universe.
This is a school with domitaries for the youths. There are currently 320 students in the school.

Positions in the marketplace-
It makes sense to encourage these ones to pursue excellence, cos that comes from God. To go for positions of influence in the government, business, education etc. Cos that's how change can take place. How does this balance up with my original idea that not everyone is a Daniel? Maybe the importance is on the focus and intention. Being a Daniel so that I can effect changes in the govenment. Not so that I can be of status according to human standards. Not success for success's sake. Does that make sense? But a life of possibilities, the seed of greatness in each person, to fulfil His God given potential. The aim- To glorify God. The means- To influence. Radical influence. Must this influence be obtained positionally?

I've said often that we should live simple lives. I change my words. The measure of godliness is not by how simple a person lives, but by how much he loves money. Why do I say that?
2 years ago when I shared this with a friend, he said, how simple is simple? Who measures that? I was upset, and insisted we shd live simply. But this trip spurred me to think a lot of things. I saw the life of the well to do businessman and his sincere love for people and generiosity. Do I fault him bcos he lives in a nice big house in a place of poverty? How did he get this house? Who paid for it? How much does it costs etc? Do I know the ans? No I don't. Hence I say that the true measure if not how simple one lives. But rather, God is the one who judges the hearts. And at the end of the day, the poor can be a miser becos he holds on tightly to money. While the rich man dispenses of his wealth freely to those in need.

The essence of faith is not that God works according to what we want, but we trust that the outcomes are what God wants, and it is good.
K (my fren from indonesia) and I both saw the goodness of God. God showed me this verse (2 COr 1:8-12). I must say I despaired of life during some periods this year. The verse says that so that I know it is God who delivers, and will continue to dliver, so that we may not rely on ourselves but on God. I know, what I went through was far beyond my ability to endure. But it is God who has delivered me. And yes, He will deliver again.

Because from Kalimantan, my next flight was at 9pm, I was invited by our Indonesian partner to his house. The generiosity of this family touched my heart. They didn't have a lot but treated me to a meal and let me rest in their son's room. I realise that the measure of a man is not in how much he has, but rather what is the stronghold these things have on him. That the son didn't complain that someone was going to rest on his bed showed me that the parents taught their son how to share and care for others. Not to be owned by possessions but possessions for usage.

Thought of the other partner and his house and his generiosity. And the doctor who let us rest in his house, gave the keys to his neighbours to prepare the house for us. Its really real life sharing of possessions. Thought of my own background and how much sharing is unthought of. How it has limited my view of hospitality and sharing.
Help me Lord, not to be stingy but to be a good steward of the possessions that You have freely given.

My heart feels pain that I dropped my contact lens (200 dollars for a side! But its 2 year old already) today....Pray that the new lenese can be made at a cheap rate. ;)


yinkoh said...

wow, i thought i was the only one with contact lenses $200 per side.. hi-5! :p ridiculous rite.. once i washed one down the tub.. it was horrible.
hm, i needed that reflection abt simplicity. thanks for sharing.

yeu@nn said...

thanks for sharing your journal thoughts... very thought-provoking, and i like the points that you made. the one about the measure of godliness, and the one about faith. :)

Lois said...

haha yinkoh,
low-5! My contacts are still in the making, and I'm wearing an old pair! So far my eye feels alrite :D how did reflection on simplicity speak to u? I changed my blogging style a bit as this post comes a bit more unprocessed, straight out from my hard copy journal.
Yeuann- had a feeling u would like this post. heh :D It was written in a way such that there were no ans to some of the questions.....only different aspects to consider...