Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Grasping for the wind

Korean dramas have been popular for some time. And I have watched my fair share as well. In spite of its slow pace, I suspect that Korean dramas are popular because of its plot. Most of the time, boy likes girl and girl likes boy but due to some misunderstanding, they thought that their feelings for each other is not mutual. Until those misunderstandings get cleared, boy and girl live in suspense and heartache. In the end, boy and girl realise that they love each other afterall and live happily ever after.
How we wish for that in real life, that our love is mutual, and all the heartaches are a series of misunderstandings, that will eventually lead to a happy ending. Sometimes we make excuses for ourselves, and we make excuses for others. Unfortunately, holding on to something that is unreciprocrated, or love that is far gone, is somewhat like grasping for wind. At best, bitter sweet memories remain. Sometimes I kid myself that I don't expect anything in return for loving someone. But its tough. And at the end of the day, I do expect something in return.
I do hope that I can love with a pure heart.
I've decided to focus on my career! I've decided to focus on God and ministry.
Finding the right guy at the right time, is afterall divine. The hole in the heart is real. The need for intimacy with God is even more real.
I share honestly here, and hope that this will help anyone going through pain. =)


Anonymous said...

Even when God brings two together, it may not end with happily ever after. Even when two godly people come together, there can be many heartbreaks along the way. I'm not trying to be negative here. But sometimes, relationships are fraught with tension because of unrealistic expectations. But we can take heart that God is in control of our destinies. When we make the right choices, praise God and glory be to Him. But when we make the wrong choices, He is still sovereign and can turn situations around.

Lois said...

Dear Anonymous. Thank u for yr comments, what u shared is so true. Thanks for yr perspective on things. U r right, I think we (I) tend to have certain expectations of how relationships should work. And shd constantly chk myself for those.