Tuesday, February 09, 2010

thoughts thoughts thoughts..

I really havent been blogging for a long long while!
I'm doing fine...been engaged in a couple of interesting and new opportunities. :) I'm happy... Mentally and emotionally engaged...
I've been journaling more often than blogging!

A couple of thoughts:

1. Reflecting on different situations I experience in life, I realise that there's no right or wrong person, we are each the best of ourselves. What do I mean? In terms of relationships, job fits etc, we each come with different qualities and skill sets that makes us attractive to each other or to the task at hand. Hence if I don't get a job, or I don't end up with someone, I'm still the best of who I am. I'm not less than someone else, rather I am special and unique.

2. I'm blessed to see the fruits of my labour in the office, as projects are starting to take form, and schools are starting to get excited about Indonesia! :D I'm so thankful that God allowed this to take place. Relationships with people has also improved tremendously. Indeed, labour takes time to bear fruit. Don't give up if you are in a hard place.

Nothing else much to say...for now. :D Shall elaborate more abt new opptys when they become more firmed up!
Happy that CNY hols are coming up!

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